1000th review
And I have nothing to say except MAKE PART 3 ALREADY, DAYUM
10/10, 5 in the Portal
1000th review
And I have nothing to say except MAKE PART 3 ALREADY, DAYUM
10/10, 5 in the Portal
What happened?! I blinked and missed it! O_O
Set this to some fast metal and I'll give it a solid 10.
9/10, 5 in the Portal.
Oh my god.
I won't bore you with words of praise, just think of everything good in the world and relate it to this movie in some obscure fashion.
This is QUALITY, my friend. Make more, I DEMAND IT!!
10/10, 5 in the Portal.
The end...or not?
I never can tell with you. You seem to end a story only to suddenly drop a cliffhanger on us all. Are you actually thinking of continuing this?
9/10, 5 in the Portal.
Oh god, oh god...
I don't know whether to laugh, or to cry. I cringed the whole way through.
5/10, 5 in the Portal.
Excellent animation.
Easily on-par with--and maybe even surpassing--Super Mario Bros Z. I especially liked the shaky-cam effect, it really made it look all the more fluid and believable.
9/10, 5 in the Portal.
Fall-out-of-your-chair good!
Ok...ok. xD
So the movie opens up all nice and civil and then it FREAKIN' EXPLOOOOODES!! And the facial expression at the end was just priceless, it just topped off the whole thing like a cherry on a sundae. No criticism here, just make more.
10/10, 5 in the Portal. God, I can't type tonight. ._.
Egoraptor turns into Jesus in 7 years? IT ALL MAKES SENSE TO ME NOW!!
I would go on about accepting you as my lord and saviour but that'd make me sound weird. No hard feelin's.
10/10, 5 in the Portal.
Age 35, Male
Joined on 10/20/04