In the immortal words of Kamina:
"Insanely nice body!"
In the immortal words of Kamina:
"Insanely nice body!"
Suddenly I'm getting flashbacks to The Iron Giant.
Y'know, that one scene where he fired his chest cannon, but his aim was diverted from his target just slightly at the last second. The shot went wide, flew over the horizon, and then proceeded to vaporize everything within a 300-mile radius of the impact point.
Sliggoo's Dragon Pulse reminds me of that, just on a smaller scale.
And considering the trainer's measured reaction, either he's *super* patient with her, or this is a surprisingly-regular occurrence that he has become concerningly accustomed to.
I just imagine him taking that 'playful angry' tone you take when you catch a pet in a mischievous act. "Yew kn-yow what yew dee-yid, you silly liddle gooey-goob!"
That Bidoof is about to become a Big Oof.
I'd say she's had a few eggs. She got that "mom energy."
Who else thought for a split second that the kirbos were hot-tubbing it in Ade's cocoa?
...No one? Just me?
...O-Okay... ._.;
Now that's what I call a Christmas pudding!
Suddenly "Vacant Lives" started playing in my head!
The sewing needle rapier is my favorite part, I think.
Glad you like it! The idea was that the humans went extinct and some animals advanced, so they use some of the old tools, but now I expanded on that
"...that is, of course, assuming they're still 'your people,' hm?"
I'm a simple guy.
I see Pudge art,
I vote 5.
Age 35, Male
Joined on 10/20/04